Posts tagged meditation for trauma
How does your Positive Inner Voice want You to Live? | Holistic Wellness in Yelapa

When this information comes through, we tend to push it down and bury it because of financial, or contractual obligations, but what if you stopped doing that, and begin living life from that positive inner voice, from your heart & intuition? That you don’t think so much and just do…

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A life of contentmentJulia AllshouseHow do we get closer to Living a Life of Contentment, What is your positive inner voice telling you?, How to transform your life by using Holistic Wellness Modalities, yoga in yelapa, yoga in puerto vallarta, yoga classes in yelapa, yoga nidra, yoga for addictions, yoga packages, yoga for flexibility, yoga for depression, yin yoga classes, yoga classes, yoga for trauma, yoga in yelapa mexico, yoga philosophy addiction recovery in yelapa, yoga philosophy addiction recovery, yoga at the beach in yelapa, holistic wellness programs and services, yelapa mexico, yelapa wellness, nutritional counseling yelapa mexico, yoga philosphy, mindfulness practices in your daily schedule, mindfullness practices in yelapa, meditation for trauma, meditation classes in yelapa, meditation on the beach in yelapa mexico, studying holistic wellness modalities, subtle energy healing, energy work for trauma, subtle energy for addiction recovery, energy work to transform your life, self enlightenment programs, kundalini yoga, holistic health couseling, holistic wellness trauma therapy, holistic wellness for mental health, holistic wellness programs for mental health, alternative wellness options, transformation of self in yelapa mexico, transformational recovery coaching for trauma, transformation is possible, recovery is possible, meditation guidance in puerto vallarta, energy healing, How does your Positive Inner Voice want YOU to Live? | Holistic Wellness in YelapaComment
How to Integrate your Transformative Self into the World | Personal Growth Development

When you begin to see the world differently, it can start to take you by surprise. No matter what has happened in the past, you know you want to start living life in a new way. You want to connect with people from a more authentic place, where there is no longer the need to be accepted, and only the vibrancy from within is where you want to vibrate at. Knowing that true friends are the ones who uplift you, guiding you in creating the best version of yourself, in a healthy and positive way. A guiding light, that is leading you from the heart begins to take front seat. So when this “knowing” begins to happen, how do you integrate your transformative self into the alive, and bustling world around you?

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Self Mastery to Heal Trauma | Understanding Holistic Wellness in Yelapa, Mexico

We are all carrying some type of trauma, big or small, that effects us in being able to live in the present moment, with ease and grace. Trauma triggers rise and fall, making it difficult to maintain healthy and happy relationships. So the question is, how do we master the ability to heal our own trauma that could be continuously occurring in small or big ways throughout our lifetime?

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