How does your Positive Inner Voice want You to Live? | Holistic Wellness in Yelapa

How do we get closer to Living a Life of Contentment

About 12 years ago I took the big leap to move to the country of Mexico, but before that day, there was so much that began to change for me consciously. I worked in IT as a Document Mgmt. Business Analyst for 12 years, and had a very successful career, one that I was extremely proud of as a woman. IT at my time of entering was still very dominated by men, so I definitely had my hurdles of being recognized and accepted, but this post isn’t about that, it’s about looking within, seeing the world in a more expansive way, and following your heart and intuition.

While working diligently in my career for almost 11 years, I began to practice yoga, and began to notice my working environment from an energetic level. This ability to observe and ground within my environment didn’t come fast, I was probably practicing yoga 3-4 days a week for 1 year before doors to my soul started to open up. When it opened, I began to consciously understand my life in it’s truest reality of what it was.

I found myself making a good salary, but living the majority of my day in a corporate environment, being a partial version of myself. Talking a certain way, acting a certain way, just simply doing the 9-5 to do the work and get paid. There was such a bigger part of me missing, one that felt connected to spirituality, humanity, and the bigger picture. I then decided to study nutrition & yoga, to get deeper into the practice that had such a pinnacle part of my transformation. Don’t get me wrong, working for someone where every benefit is put into a little package for you, salary, medical, 401k, paying taxes, etc, is stress-free in many ways, but it also puts you into a systematic way of life where money, organization and convenience take the front seat, instead of a deeper connection to your soul, and how you are intrinsically a part of something bigger.

Some people might say, that they are perfectly happy with the “package”, and have no problem living within the systematic way of being, but my question to you is, what is your inner voice saying to you?

That positive inner voice that speaks to you, giving you ideas and advising you to be doing things differently. That voice that speaks from your soul and says, take a chance, travel the world, choose new friends, get a better job, you deserve better than this, go out and exercise, take better care of yourself, I’ve had enough and need a break, I need to change this, why do I keep doing it the same way, I should be nicer, I need to help & donate, stop being on social media so much, I wish I could do that, or become that, so on and so on, are the snippets of light through thought that arise, tapping your shoulder, and saying, “I’m here, listen to me, wake up and take action!”

When this information comes through, we tend to push it down and bury it because of financial, or contractual obligations, but what if you stopped doing that, and begin living life from that positive inner voice, from your heart & intuition? That you don’t think so much and just do.

We get the opportunity to choose how we want to integrate within the world around us, and that choice directly ties us to our never ending desire to achieve contentment. So, how do we get closer to living a life of contentment, if we are not open to tearing down our ego, reducing our constant need for material wealth, working on past traumas and unhealthy patterns, and making a change of the energetic environment that flows around & within us?

I took the dive 12 years ago to sell my car and most of my belongings, move out of my home, and quit my corporate IT career to become a certified holistic health counselor, a yoga teacher, and start a new journey of life in Mexico with my fiancé. I am not saying that your changes need to be as challenging as mine, that isn’t for everyone, and shouldn’t be, but what I am saying, is that it’s possible to break away and DO life differently with POSITIVE ACTION to create the energetic life that you truly want to be living. It wasn’t easy, and was extremely challenging, more than I could have ever imagined, and still is at times, but I never wanted to turn back because my inner voice was always telling me, “you’re on the right path”. When you are, it is undeniable, there is no question, your life begins to have meaning in so many new ways.

HOW TO TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE BY USING Holistic Wellness Modalities

Turning your live in a new direction is possible, and the waking up that I talk about here, that I’ve experienced and continue to experience, can happen in many forms, but for me personally, it has happened through self-care using holistic wellness modalities. Those modalities were:

  • Creating a steady yoga practice

  • Self study by reading books rooted in yoga philosophy and mindfulness

  • Practicing meditation

  • Connecting to affirmations

  • Singing mantras

  • Studying holistic wellness to become an integrative nutrition coach & yoga teacher. ( You can do this, even if you don’t want to be in the field of wellness, so you can learn more at a deeper level)

  • Changing my diet and understanding the effects that it had on me energetically

  • Dedicating my life towards learning more about myself at an energetic level

  • Focus on connecting deeper to my heart, instead of my head.

You can find these holistic wellness options here with VIKARA WELLNESS. We are here to guide you, and there are many programs, services, and retreats that can be found on this web-site, giving you the opportunity to connect deeper to what arises within your inner voice, giving you the desire, strength, and stamina to take the actions needed towards self enlightenment.

A life of contentmentJulia AllshouseHow do we get closer to Living a Life of Contentment, What is your positive inner voice telling you?, How to transform your life by using Holistic Wellness Modalities, yoga in yelapa, yoga in puerto vallarta, yoga classes in yelapa, yoga nidra, yoga for addictions, yoga packages, yoga for flexibility, yoga for depression, yin yoga classes, yoga classes, yoga for trauma, yoga in yelapa mexico, yoga philosophy addiction recovery in yelapa, yoga philosophy addiction recovery, yoga at the beach in yelapa, holistic wellness programs and services, yelapa mexico, yelapa wellness, nutritional counseling yelapa mexico, yoga philosphy, mindfulness practices in your daily schedule, mindfullness practices in yelapa, meditation for trauma, meditation classes in yelapa, meditation on the beach in yelapa mexico, studying holistic wellness modalities, subtle energy healing, energy work for trauma, subtle energy for addiction recovery, energy work to transform your life, self enlightenment programs, kundalini yoga, holistic health couseling, holistic wellness trauma therapy, holistic wellness for mental health, holistic wellness programs for mental health, alternative wellness options, transformation of self in yelapa mexico, transformational recovery coaching for trauma, transformation is possible, recovery is possible, meditation guidance in puerto vallarta, energy healing, How does your Positive Inner Voice want YOU to Live? | Holistic Wellness in YelapaComment