What is Sound Healing?

Sound Healing is the therapeutic use of sounds

  • to heal on the physical level

  • to overcome a blockage on emotional level

  • to raise the energy levels

  • to change the thought pattern/belief

To acknowledge the pattern upon which ones life is currently moving and to allow the consciousness to transform the emotional blockages is “Sound Healing”.

Sound as a tool teaches one to observe life through its lens. It teaches to observe own thoughts, emotions, mental state & the energy level one is surrounded with at any given point in time. The observation in itself is a way sound works. Sound brings mental clarity & hence teaches one to observe self without attaching to the experience & thereby to understand the situation from a higher perspective.

The journey with sound may begin with any instrument like singing bowls, gong, drums, voice but it surely does have a common destiny which is silence. Like it is so wisely said silence has its own sound and it is the stillness within that allows one to experience the sound of the silence.


  • Individual & Groups

  • 1.5 hr session

  • Contact for pricing